Junsu Kim

Born in 1994 in Seoul, South Korea.


Currently studying for graduate school for Ph.D in Statistics.

â–  Bachelor of Science at New York University in Mathematics.
â–  Served as Bootcamp Instructor at S.Korean Army.
â–  Developer of Do.now App on the iOS App Store.

After discharged from South Korean Army, I worked briefly as an iOS developer at a small company in South Korea. I have an app on the iOS App Store named Do.now that helps people organize their todos in a more organized, efficient way. I quit my job in February, 2022 to study for graduate school for Ph.D degree in Statistics. And I am currently studying day and night at local cafes.

I am also an avid writer. I write on Medium and Velog about iOS, Statistics, Culture, and Life. If you are interested, head over and check out my articles.